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Where is Unifiedpost's corporate headquarters?
Unifiedpost's corporate headquarters is located in La Hulpe (Brussels), Belgium.
Where is the company incorporated?
Unifiedpost is incorporated in Belgium.
When did Unifiedpost go public? What was the price?
Unifiedpost went public on Septemer 20, 2020, at a price of €20 per share.
What is Unifiedpost’s fiscal year?
Unifiedpost's fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31.
How are Unifiedpost shares traded?
Unifiedpost's shares are traded on the Euronext Brussels exchange under the ticker symbol "UPG".
Does Unifiedpost pay dividends?
No, currently Unifiedpost does not pay dividends.
When were Unifiedpost's share splits?
Unifiedpost has not had any share splits since it is listed on the stock exchange.
Does Unifiedpost have a direct share purchase plan?
No, Unifiedpost does not have a direct share purchase plan.
Who is Unifiedpost's auditor?
BDO bedrijfsrevisoren
Who is Unifiedpost's legal counsel?
We have an internal legal team.
How many employees does Unifiedpost have?
Unifiedpost has approximately 1,400 employees.
In how many countries is Unifiedpost active worldwide?
Unifiedpost is active in 32 countries, primarily in Europe.
Where can I find out more about Unifiedpost?
You can find out more about Unifiedpost on our website at
Where can I get the latest corporate news releases and financial reports?
You can get the latest corporate news releases and financial reports on our website in the "Investor Relations" section.
Who makes up the Unifiedpost Executive Management team and Board of Directors?
The Unifiedpost Executive Management team and Board of Directors can be found on our website in the "Corporate Governance" section.
How can I obtain further information or materials on Unifiedpost?
For further information or materials on Unifiedpost, please contact the investor relations department.
How can I access your weekly and monthly sales reports? Is there a way to receive instant updates regarding the date and times of these events?
To access Unifiedpost's update reports, you can visit the Investor Relations section on our website. Reports are not weekly. You can also sign up for email alerts to receive instant updates on the date and times of these events.
When is your next earnings release scheduled? How can I receive email updates for this information?
You can visit our website's Investor Relations section to stay updated on the latest information and sign up for email alerts.
Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
For investor inquiries, please contact our Investor Relations department at
What Analysts track Unifiedpost at this current time?
For Analysts that track Unifiedpost, you can visit our website's Investor Relations.
How can I obtain a copy of your annual report and proxy?
To obtain a copy of our annual report and proxy, please visit the Investor Relations section on our website or contact our Investor Relations department.
When and where will Unifiedpost’s hold its next annual meeting?
This information can be found on the Investor Relations section on our website.